CHILDREN FROM FAITH FOUNDATION is a Non-governmental Community based organization CBO. It is Located in Kasese /Uganda. We focus a lot of our attention Orphans and other vulnerable people living in within Kasese. We empower hand on skills like tailoring, hairdressing, liquid soap making, re-usable sanitary pad making and other livelihood projects to the vulnerable orphan such that they can sustain their lives. We also give spiritual food and offer bibles to them. We also aim at supporting them with food relief, Education support, medical care, beddings and clothing. The Foundation is basically aimed at establishment and operation of Children from Faith for the purpose of orphaned children, community and making a positive living attractive to all humanity.
"Children from Faith" is a theological statement which means believers from faith and who do follow the teaching of Christianity on the foundation of Jesus Christ and believing in the Holy trinity. Through Jesus Christ, We are all children of God whether old or young. Children from faith foundation is a group of followers of Jesus Christ who call themselves Children of God and that is why we are Children From Faith Foundation.
Our ultimate goal is to empower orphans because we understand that a financially empowered and cared orphan child is in better position to make objective decisions for her and her future which leads to better families and communities. Through our projects, we aim to create a big network of resources for skill development, employment, advocacy, motivation, comfort, good health, parenting skills, financial and mental development for raising children.
MOTTO: "Take this child and nurse him for me"
MISSION: To empower communities in Rwenzori region with innovative solutions that gives orphans and vulnerable people an opportunity to realize their rights to full potential through research, advocacy, health promotion, socio-economic and institutional capacity strengthening for all humanity
VISION: A society where orphans and other vulnerable children enjoy equal rights in terms of social-economic development.

Foundation’s Main Objectives

  • Strengthening health care systems of orphans in partnership with Health providers and international and local NGOs to deliver effective and sustainable health services to individuals, families and communities. Our core focus heath areas are: Reproductive Maternal, Newborn and Child Health), HIV and AIDS and Nutrition.

  • Supplementing government efforts through the Education providers and related structures especially NGOs in fostering inclusive and equitable quality education for vulnerable children. Our core focus area is to promote safe learning environment for children and strengthening capacities of school management structures in delivering inclusive and quality education. We also support education of school drop-outs and vulnerable children (OVCs).

  • Promoting Gender equality by empowering orphans and girls realize their rights in relation to gender equality. Our focus areas are: Child Protection, care takers, orphans and vulnerable people Participation Rights in Development.

  • Striving to develop the organization’s local partner policies and systems for effective and efficient service delivery. We work directly with community members to identify service gaps and come up with solutions involving service promotion, research and communication. Children from Faith Foundation provide support through partnerships and collaboration.

  • Implementing community environmentally friendly projects that will conserve the environment for future generation.

Organization Project Activities

  • Vocational skill Training

  • Foster Care

  • Community outreaches

  • Human rights Enhancement

  • Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Empowerment

  • Environmental Conservation

  • Health Promotion Awareness and strengthening.

  • Education promotion both primary, secondary and tertiary

Investment priority activities:

  • Tailoring

  • Hairdressing

  •  Tree planting.

  • Zero grazing cattle/goats.

  • Nursery tree beds.

  • Fish farming.

  • Bee keeping.

  • Poultry farming.

  • Saving and credit

  • Handcraft/weaving.

  • Garden marketing.

  • Floriculture.


Our motivation statement.

The National Strategic Programme Plan of Interventions (NSPPI 2011/12 – 2015/16) for disabled and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) estimated that there are 2.4 million orphans in Uganda and 8.1 million children in need of external support. We anticipate that that number has risen over the past five years. Furthermore, Ugandan media is circulated with stories of desperate mothers who have dumped babies in latrines, bushes and other very unpleasant places. Such stories and statistics break our hearts and challenge us to do something. Kasese has a rapidly expanding population and one of the highest HIV rates in the country and also being among poverty and disaster-stricken areas. These two reasons make the rate of baby abandonment higher than in other regions, leaving an unmet need for family resettlement in the region.  Through our interactions with Kasese Police station, Kasese district Probation office and Kagando Hospital, Kilembe Mines hospital, we came to learn that approximately 4 children need emergency protective care every week in the region. We also learned that police, the probation officer have many children cases related to children negligence.


Type and Nature of the organization

The Foundation/organization is a Community Based Organization (C.B.O.) offering social and economic development services to orphans and other vulnerable people and entire community at large. CHF is well known for its expertise in extending services to orphans and other vulnerable people in areas of Health, Gender and Human rights, Education, Climate Change adaptation/mitigation and Institutional Capacity Strengthening. With this capacity, CHF continues delivering on its mandate by creating an environment where its target beneficiaries realize their full potential. On a continuous basis, CHF takes on responsibilities to identify communities with the most significant needs fit for its innovative solutions through implementation of research and projects that will change the community where the need is identified.

Children from Faith Foundation is non-sectarian, non-political and embracing orphans from all affiliations.
Hereby recognized and deemed to be a voluntary venture and shall exercise its obligations in Uganda.

The Purpose and the Team

Vision: A society where young single mothers, orphans and vulnerable people experience social-economic development

Mission: To empower communities in Rwenzori region with innovative solutions that gives orphans and vulnerable people an opportunity to realize their rights to full potential through research, advocacy, health promotion, socio-economic and institutional capacity strengthening for all humanity

Core Values:

  • Love

  • care

  • compassion

  • teamwork

  • accountability

  • mutual respect and philanthropy

Motto:       "Take this child and nurse him for me"

CHF has ambitious plans and thus a committed team of people believing in its vision, mission and value system is necessary to push it ahead.

Here we take the opportunity to share with you the team that is making things happen at CHF

Muhindo shamussdiin Jacques

Executive Director

Musoki Kedress

Assistant Director

Kainja Francis

Managing Director

Biira Felestus

Finance and Administration officer

Baluku Obed

Project Coordinator

Biira Mary

Assistant Project coordinator

Masika Peace


Mbusa Matatia
